Dedicated to Hawaii and Hawaiian Spirulina. Cyanotech is the world premium producer and world authority in micro-algae. The author is proud to be associated with Cyanotech has dedicated his life to learning about and promoting spirulina since 1993

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Cyanotech announced All Natural Spirulina

Cyanotech and Earth Rise announced this week that both companies have ceased production of Organic spirulina. The main reason given was due to regulatory changes in the allowable nitrogen sources in the new organic standards. Replacing the organic spirulina is the all natural spirulina.

I was aware of the impending changes since 2003. However, I was hoping and hopeful that the production of organic spirulina could be continued beyond the stipulated period of October 2005. Disappointingly, it was not to be. Since October 2005, both companies have to stop producing organic spiurlina due to regulatory changes.

To quote Dr. Gerald Cysewski, Cyanotech’s Founder and CEO, “Cyanotech and Earthrise are the world’s premier producers of Spirulina. Both companies thoroughly studied the situation and came to the conclusion that maintaining organic production under the new standard would lead to a lower quality product at a higher cost. Furthermore, with the use of the new nitrogen sources, Organic Spirulina produced under the new standard may not be considered vegetarian or vegan, a critical point of distinction to many Spirulina consumers.”

If you ask me what am I going to do with the situation. I am going to continue taking the all natural spirulina exactly the amount as my usual comsumption of the organic spirulina from now on. It is a case of adaptation, rather than giving up.



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